Event #4216: Jun 10th, 2023

WERC 5-hour enduro

Event Information

Date: Jun 10th, 2023

Track Name: Buttonwillow Raceway Park

Configuration: 25

Direction: CW

UPDATE: This race is now a 5-hour enduro.

We shortened the enduro because we felt our safety crew needs more training in order to support a 10-hour race.

WERC rules and registration

Team owners must register the vehicle and the team before drivers can register.

Team drivers must register themselves and only AFTER the team owner has registered the vehicle and the team.

For more information on how to register for enduros, visit this page.

Here is the link to the WERC rules.

To register for other classes during this event weekend, visit the event registration page: https://members.drivenasa.com/events/4107

Important Dates

5/26/2023 Early registration ends.

5/27/2023 Rate for race entries increase by $50. **NEW THIS YEAR** As of this date, any changes to enduro team drivers and any new enduro driver registrations will incur a $100 fee.

6/7/2023 Online registration closes.

Registration is closed for this event!
