Event #4878: Jun 7th - 8th, 2025

Turn7Gurl Flatten The Curve crossover with Gulf South Region

Turn7Gurl Flatten The Curve

Crossover event with Gulf South Region


For more information about the event and the track:


$25 gate fee for all non-NASA members. Members show current membership card $0. This is a spectator event.

Track Information:


cancellation policy:  https://www.nasaproracing.com/events/policy

2 Days


instructors are assigned automatically

2 Days


SOLO driving with limited passing zones, no instructors assigned

1 Day


point by passing group

2 Days


Choose this option to schedule a HPDE check ride at event, must have a registration

2 Days


Instructors must choose this option AND their on-track session

2 Days


Instrutors on track session HPDE4

2 Days


2 Days


Instrutors on track session TT, must have NASA TT license

1 Day


Sunday 1 day entry, must have NASA TT License and medical on file

2 Days


1 Day


Sunday 1 day entry, must have NASA License and medical on file

2 Days


2 Days


requires $850 deposit

2 Days


Please choose Volunteer if this is your first time
