Event #4979: Apr 12th - 13th, 2025

Spring Rumble at Summit / Powered by HyperFest

Event Information

Date: Apr 12th - 13th, 2025

Track Name: Summit Point Motorsports Park

Configuration: Main Course

We look forward to seeing you at the Spring Rumble at Summit Point / Powered by HyperFest!   


  • Race licensed drivers! Save $100 off of your NASA race entry fees for Summit Point by registering by March 14 (30 days prior). Summit Point has long been a friend of the motorsports community. In an effort to build a stronger racing community, NASA Mid Atlantic and Summit Point have collaborated to create a substantial program designed to fight inflation so even more racers can have fun. This applies only to Summit Point NASA MA hosted events. Drivers don't have to do anything special except just register as normal. Once the 30 day window closes, entry fees will return to regular pricing.


HPDE 1-4  

Time Trial


Comp License Eval (Email chris@nasaracing.net for info. Drills on Saturday and Sunday morning. Will race on Sunday if pass evaluation).

HPDE Intro (Toyota program)

OG Racing is continuing as a 2025 sponsor for NASA Mid-Atlantic! Thanks to their help, we are able to offer the below prices until two weeks prior to the event. Prices will go up on Friday March 28 at midnight for all activities including Sprint Races, HPDE and Time Trial. 



Schedule and driver list will be posted by 7-10 days prior to the event. 

See cancellation policy here: http://www.nasaracing.net/contact-us/cancellation-policy/

Event Confirmations:  Once you register, you will immediately receive a purchase confirmation receipt by e-mail which also indicates you have been accepted into the event. 7-10 days before the event, you will receive further instructions for the event, and these instructions will also be posted at www.nasaracing.net under the event.

Track damage: All drivers are responsible for any track damage that is the result of their actions on or off the track and will be financially responsible for repair/replacement of damaged track property. 



Your grid position for race qualifying is determined by a calculation based on how early you register, points, and how many events you attend - register early for a better grid spot! Race licenses are valid from Jan to Dec. and you must have a current NASA license and medical for this event. E-mail Beth Dunnivant at beth@nasaracing.net for licensing info. Please make sure you have a tx number associated with your car.

Racers can Supersize Time Trial on Sat/Sun for $179.


Time Trial: Drivers must have a current Time Trial or current Race License to participate. Entrants must have a transponder and please rent one if necessary (last option on this page). Email Ben Grambau at bgrambau@gmail.com if you have questions about TT or being evaluated for a license. When registering, please make sure your car information is correct and includes a tx number unless you are renting. 


HPDE: HPDE 1-4 will have 4 daily HPDE sessions on Saturday and Sunday. HPDE 1 and many HPDE 2 drivers (unless HPDE 2 solo) are automatically assigned an Instructor and must have a passenger seat unless solo. If you have run as HPDE 2 solo, please put that in your admin notes. Experience will be verified. HPDE 3 (Advanced) drivers are not assigned an instructor. If you are new to NASA please email laura@nasaracing.net if you have questions about which group is most appropriate.  

**If your group is noted as full below, please sign up for the waiting list. We do tend to get several off the wait list with the normal cancellations and additions of instructors, and chances are particularly good for getting a spot if you can get last minute notification (1-2 days before the event)**


HYPERDRIVE: Hyperdrive slots are limited and tend to sell out quickly, please register for the wait list if full. A Hyperdrive is one track session plus classroom for $85.  Drivers are assigned an instructor. This is intended for those new to the sport. You do not have to be a member to participate. When you get to the membership screen, the system will allow for you to click continue without purchasing a membership. 


All Instructors must select two items.

  • Instructor - Instructor. This will keep track of your instruction days to be eligible for national contingencies
  • Instructor - HPDE 4 OR Instructor - TT which denotes your track time.

Instructor benefits: https://drivenasa.com/contingency-programs/instructor-benefits/

Contacts:  Registration questions:  laura@nasaracing.net ///// Event and NASA questions: chris@nasaracing.net ////// Licensing questions: beth@nasaracing.net ////// Time Trial questions: Ben Grambau bgrambau@gmail.com ////// Instructor questions: Jack McAfee, jmcafee@nasaracing.net

2 Days


This special pricing will end on March 14th at midnight! (see notes above in description) Current license and medical required.

2 Days


Current license required. Please renew in advance

2 Days


Racers and qualified advanced drivers may add this as a second entry. Current comp license or TT license required.

2 Days


For Racers and TT only

2 Days


Please email chris@nasaracing.net for info on being approved for the comp license eval

2 Days


This is currently full! Waitlist is available.

Novice group, instructor assigned. This group ranges from 0 track days to 4-6 track days. Sign up for wait list if full.

2 Days


Intermediate group. If you have been declared intermediate solo, please list that in the admin comments section. Please sign up for wait list if full.

2 Days


Advanced. If you have not yet driven in HPDE 3 with NASA MA, please be sure and list all advanced experience in your profile or notes to admin. Experience will be verified. No instructors provided (unless a checkride is needed).

2 Days


Very advanced HPDE 3 drivers who have had a checkride for HPDE 4 (or those with a TT or Race license) may select this option. Slots are limited since this group is primarily for instructors. If full, please sign up for HPDE 3 but you can also sign up for wait list for HPDE 4.

1 Day


This is currently full! Waitlist is available.

Sunday Hyperdrive includes classroom and one track session with instructor. (Sunday only)

NASA Members save $8.50 on this registration. Become a NASA member today!

2 Days


To be eligible for instructor benefits, all instructors must register for this line item in addition to their driving group. Every instructor should have 2 entries.

2 Days


Instructor option which has driving time in HPDE 4. Also must register for Instructor - Instructor line item above to be eligible for national contingencies (please see notes above if you have questions).

2 Days


Instructor option which has driving time in TT. Also must register for Instructor - Instructor line item above to be eligible for national contingencies (please see notes above if you have questions).

2 Days


Volunteer here! Free lunch. All specialities available, and hours are flexible! Email laura@nasaracing.net for info!
