This registration is only for those instructors wishing to instruct on Patriot Course on Sunday May 18th for HyperFest 2025!
If you are looking for the two day Instructing event on VIR Full Course go here:
We need 20 Instructors who can dedicate themselves to instruct 8 Hyperdrive sessions during the day Sunday on the Patriot Course. We appreciate your help with the Hyperdrive program. A one session hyperdrive helps introduce people to motorsports and the road racing community in a low cost and fun way.
Please register for both line items of Instructor - Instructor and Instructor - HPDE 4. (The first option is what NASA National uses to track participation for contingencies and the second option is your track time)
The benefits of volunteering:
For the second year in a row Toyo Tires is graciously providing a deep discount to any HyperDrive instructor participating in the 2025 HyperFest. Discounts are based upon tire size and model. There is no hard number but discounts can range from 35%-40% and only applies to the Proxes Model line. To qualify for the program the instructor must follow the stated requirements. Application for this program may occur as soon as you register with NASA to be an HyperDrive instructor. There will be no exceptions made for requesting to be part of this program after the deadline. The deadline for this program is 12:00pm on June 1, 2025.
To participate in the Toyo Tire Discount Program each instructor must contact HyperFest and Toyo via email.
Details for the weekend:
Friday, May 16 -You will be given two sessions of track time on VIR Full Course and will drive Patriot for 30 minutes to get familiar with, or "brush up" on the course.
Saturday, May 17 - You will drive on VIR Full Course with no students assigned in either the HPDE 4 or TT group. If you want to drive in TT, you must have a TT license and please let Laura know your TT class. Email and she will take care of your TT entry and remove the Instructor - HPDE 4 entry.
Sunday May 18 - You will be dedicated to the Hyperdrivers on the Patriot Course. There are 8 total sessions. You will be provided lunch. Stu Burgh will be running the HyperDrive event. Rob Lee will facilitate classroom up at the Patriot Course, in the Carriage House. These Hyperdrives will work as they always have. Students have purchased an on track session and will be required to sit through a classroom session, similar to the first one of the weekend for any HPDE1 Student. Dedicated NASA-MA volunteers will perform tech inspection of all Hyperdrive cars.
Questions about registration: email
All drivers are responsible for any track damage that is the result of their actions on or off track and will be financially responsible for repair/replacement of damaged track property.